Hey all,
this week has reminded me of the idea of effectiveness as the P/PC balance introduced by Steven Covey in “The seven habits of highly effective people”:
Effectiveness in essence is a function of two things: what is produced (P)(outcome, desired results) and the producing capacity (PC) to produce (think of assets such as physical tools, mental energy, …).
It is tempting to think that the more outcome you produce, the more you do, and the more effective you are.
But in fact, focusing only on the outcome neglects the mechanics of true effectiveness. If we don’t keep an eye on the producing asset, there soon will be less to no outcome anymore.
Effectiveness lies in the balance – I was reminded of this principle by using my bike over and over without doing anything to maintain it. It just so happened, that it broke down.
Good luck, trying to revive it with service at this stage – the physical asset has lost its capacity to bring me places.
However, had I had an eye on the PC – on regular services and maintaining the bike – I would still be enjoying its outcomes – being flexible and mobile.
Now, the service to bring it back on the road again is far more expensive than I had probably spent maintaining it.
💡Lesson learnt: This was not effective.
Some of my last week's highlihgts:
✍🏻 Quote: "If a thing is worth doing, it's woth doing badly" ~ G.K. Chsterton
-> This Qute has something in it: Doing is better than not doing perfectly. Perfection and self-judment often derail us.
📝 Article: What Having a “Growth Mindset” Actually Means
Have an awesome week everyone!
All the best,