Issue#18 The unimportance of watching Netflix

Issue#18 The unimportance of watching Netflix
Photo by Aziz Acharki / Unsplash

Hey all,

this week I listened to an conversation between Ali Abdaal and Matthew Dicks.

One of the things that most resonated with me was when Metthew Dicks shared his opinion on approaching life in a meaningful way.

This topic had me pondering and I wanted to share my thoughts about it with you:

The unimportance of watching Netflix

If on every single day, you did what makes you happy on that day, you’d probably have sex, watch Netflix and eat that Ben and jerry’s with the extra crunchy topping.

You would simply go for that rush of dopamine at the moment.

On the other hand, can you imagine yourself 100 year old version of yourself, laying on the deathbed saying:

“Tank goodness, I spend those days watching all 22 seasons of Dexster, because a life without this, is unfulfilled?”

Probably not.